Every effort has been made to carefully present this product and its potential. Even though the Internet is one of the few areas where you can determine your own income, there is no guarantee that you will make money by using these techniques and this material. Examples Text must not be interpreted as a promise of earnings. The level of earnings is entirely dependent on the person using our product, ideas and techniques. We do not pretend that this is a “get rich scheme”.
The degree of your success in achieving the results in our material is dependent on your time commitment, financial ability, knowledge and various skills you possess. As these factors vary from individual to individual, we cannot guarantee success or your level of earnings. Nor are we responsible for any of your actions.
All predictions in this or other sales texts are intended to express our opinion of your income potential or profit potential. Many factors contribute to your personal results, therefore no assurances can be made that our results or those of any other person will be achieved. No assurances can be made that our suggestions and techniques will achieve any results at all